ProjectWise Explorer Help

To Search for Documents Based on Environment Attribute Values (Search Builder)

  1. Open the Define Search dialog.
  2. Set Look for to Documents, and if necessary specify the starting folder or work area to search in.
  3. Set Criterion Type to Environment Attribute.
  4. Set Environment to the desired environment.
  5. Set Attribute to the desired attribute in the selected environment.

    All the predefined attributes associated to the selected environment (configured in ProjectWise Administrator) display in the Attribute list.

  6. Specify a value for the attribute in the Value field.

    Depending on the attribute selected, the Value field either becomes a list containing fixed options (obtained from the datasource), or a field with an accompanying Format button (...). You can either type in the field, or click the Format button to open a dialog which helps you build a custom search expression to insert into the Value field.

  7. In the Define Search dialog, click the Add Criteria button.

    The defined criterion is added to the search criteria window at the top of the dialog.

  8. Click Apply or OK.

    Documents matching your search criteria display in the search results list.